Lawrence Transit hosting online survey to identify location selection criteria for the bus transfer location analysis
The Lawrence/Douglas County MPO, in partnership with the City of Lawrence is hosting an online survey, via Lawrence Listens, to identify key location selection criteria for the bus transfer location analysis.
The bus transfer location analysis began in August with a public meeting and Lawrence Listens survey that identified key values from the community. These values indicated that respondents want a location close to key amenities such as shopping, employment centers and KU and that shelter, seating and lighting are key amenities to include in the design.
In this survey, the City is requesting more feedback about locations and amenities. For example, respondents will be asked to prioritize proximity to major streets, travel time for users and proximity to residential users.
The information from this survey will be used to identify criteria to help select potential locations for improvements. A final set of locations will be reviewed with the public in November.
The Lawrence Listens survey will be available to the public October 2-16