Fares & Bus Passes

Fare Free

All Lawrence Transit buses are free, including fixed route, T Lift, and On Demand service.

If you have not used Lawrence Transit before but are interested in learning how, consider signing up for Travel Training. Participants will gain the necessary skills to travel independently through hands-on experience with one of our Lawrence Transit experts. If you or your organization are interested in learning more about the Travel Training program, please email Lawrence Transit at info@lawrencetransit.org.

Regional Fares


RideKC buses are Zero Fare, including the K-10 Connector which serves Lawrence. Fares are being charged on Freedom On-Demand, onĀ 199 Micro Transit in KCK and 499 Micro Transit in Johnson County, and IRIS micro transit. The KC Streetcar is free to ride anywhere along its 2 miles through the heart of downtown.