
K-12 Student Spring Bus Pass

December 14, 2020

Bus pass for K-12 students available starting December 17

The K-12 Student Spring Bus Pass will go on sale Thursday, December 17. Students can access unlimited rides on any city or university fixed-route bus from January 1 until April 30, 2021 for only $10.00.

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the K-12 Student bus passes will not be sold at Parks and Recreation Facilities.

There are still several options for purchasing a K-12 Student Spring Bus Pass. The bus passes will be available at the following locations in Lawrence:

The Merc
901 Iowa St.

Dillons Stores
1015 W 23rd St.
1740 Massachusetts St.
3000 W. 6th St.
4701 W. 6th St.

3504 Clinton Parkway

City Hall
6 E. 6th Street
Utility Billing – 1st Floor

For more information, call (785) 864-4644. For information on current COVID-19 safety protocols, visit You can also find us on Facebook: @lawrencetransit and on Twitter: @TransitKU.