Public input opportunity for Lawrence Multimodal Transfer Facility Project
The future of public transit in Lawrence will take an important step forward next week as city leaders and partners embark on a multi-day process for planning and designing transit improvements for two locations. There will be opportunities for the public to share input and be part of this valuable project.
The City of Lawrence, Wendel Companies, and Shockey Consulting will begin the Phase 1 – Immersion process for the Multimodal Transfer Facility Project. The Immersion phase includes four days of stakeholder meetings, public engagement, and high-level concept plan development for a new multimodal transfer facility on the southeast corner of Bob Billings & Crestline, as well as site selection and concept plan development for Downtown transit improvements.
The goal of the stakeholder meetings will be to engage organizations and individuals who may be impacted by these site developments and gain valuable insight for the consultants to consider and integrate into concept development. Stakeholder groups will include City staff, University of Kansas staff, First Transit staff and bus operators, city and university advisory committee members, neighborhoods, social service providers, transportation and governmental partners, and businesses. The Immersion process will also build upon substantial public engagement in 2018 surrounding programming needs as part of this transit project.
In addition to stakeholder meetings, the general public will be invited to provide input and hear directly from the design consultants on considerations and tradeoffs that have been discussed throughout the Immersion week stakeholder meetings. The two opportunities for public input are both on Wednesday, April 21.
Public Input Session #1
Wednesday, April 21
12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Public Input Session #2
Wednesday, April 21
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
In order to attend one of the above sessions, please visit and scroll to the bottom of the page to find the virtual meeting links. An in-person option is available for individuals who are unable to attend virtually. Registration is required in advance, and details are on the same page.
The primary outcome of this week of meetings and preliminary design is for Wendel to
deliver three preliminary site concepts for the main facility at Bob Billings & Crestline
Drive and one preliminary site concept for three separate locations in the Downtown
area. Additional public forums will be held in June 2021 at transit advisory committee meetings and at a City Commission meeting to receive input on the final recommendations for the two distinct site locations and concepts.
For more information visit or call (785) 864-4644. You can also find us on facebook: @lawrencetransit and on Twitter: @TransitKU.