Bus service cancelled on Friday and Saturday
Lawrence Transit will cancel bus service on Friday and Saturday. The extreme cold is causing technical issues with the fuel, and buses are not able to operate reliably.
This decision is being made with the safety of drivers and passengers in mind. Lawrence Transit will still be able to provide life sustaining T Lift trips such as dialysis.
Friday, December 23
Service is cancelled.
Saturday, December 24
Service is cancelled.
Sunday, December 25
Holiday. No service.
Monday, December 26
Plan to resume normal service. Night Line will start at midnight on Sunday night going into Monday morning.
For more information, visit www.lawrencetransit.org or call (785) 864-4644. Find out if there are impacts to bus service by following us on Facebook @LawrenceTransit, on Twitter @TransitLawrence, or through announcements on the My Bus Lawrence app, available at www.lawrencetransit.org/mobile-tools.