Bus rider feedback results in schedule and route adjustments
Lawrence Transit, the coordinated City of Lawrence and University of Kansas bus system, is implementing changes to bus routes and schedules in February 2024.
A major route redesign went into effect in January 2024, in coordination with the opening of Central Station. As with any large change, there were some difficulties. Passengers swiftly let transit staff know what was working and what wasn’t. Thanks to that detailed feedback, staff was able to make some improvements in the short term. This new set of changes will go into effect on Monday, February 12.
“With the amount of change put into place at the beginning of the year, we knew there was a chance some tweaks would need to be made,” said Adam Weigel, Transit & Parking Manager. “Rather than wait for annual route changes in August, we think we can respond now to some of the more frequent concerns we hear coming up. No plan is perfect, so we’re hopeful riders will notice we are working with them to make things better as quick as we can.”
Why make changes (again)?
At this time, changes are being made to routes 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10. Reasons for the adjustments include:
- Additional trips in the morning for better school and work access on Routes 6, 7, and 9.
- Improved transfer timing downtown (Routes 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7) and at Central Station (Routes 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12).
- Direct access to Free State High School on Route 10.
To view the updated Transit Guide and preview route and schedule changes, visit: https://assets.lawrenceks.org/transit/feb2024_transitguide.pdf.
In the 20-year history of Lawrence Transit, this is the first time service has been offered on Sundays, in the form of Lawrence Transit On Demand trips. In order to afford those additional service hours, trips have been removed from areas of the schedule with lower ridership. In making changes to routes, schedules, and days of service, transit staff is trying to find the balance of serving everyone in our community well.
Keep the feedback coming
The next opportunity to make changes will be August 2024. Riders are encouraged to fill out a survey that will help Lawrence Transit continue to improve the service. The survey is open until April 1 at www.lawrenceks.org/listens/surveys.