

Crystal (mom, speaking) and Willow (daughter, pictured)

She was always that little kid that would watch mom put on her makeup and do her hair and stuff and she would just sit down on the bathroom counter and watch me do it, so when she turned a year old I was like ‘what color do you want?’ She was like ‘pink.’

We color her hair every year for her birthday. It was purple and pink and then it was red and blue and then it was red and orange and now it’s just this.

Me and my husband decided on not leaving Lawrence because the bus stops take us straight [where we need to go.] I don’t know how to drive a car, and as a 30-year-old mother of two kids, this has been like a lifesaver.

Pretty much anywhere in Lawrence except for Clinton Lake—that’s about the only spot you can’t get. You can even get to the outskirts of Lawrence on the bus, which is really awesome.